This is probably the FASTEST way to get clicks and traffic. Now, getting Craigslist traffic is not as easy as just posting your links in ads. Craigslist has banned the use of in posts. However, all is not lost because I will show you an easy way to utilize Craigslist and it's millions of views per day. Popular items can earn 1000's of hits a day during the life of the ad. My method has worked extremely well and is only limited to the amount of ads you place. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if one post can bring you 1000 hits a day then 10 posts can bring you 10,000 hits a day.
Of course I do not condone posting fake ads on Craigslist, and this is being shown only as an example of how to generate Craigslist traffic to your links. That being said...
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